- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
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- PROPOSAL: work ongoing, but still mainly on level of proposal and not in the CORSIKA 8 integrated part. Availability of developers currently a bit limited. But hopefully a visible contribution can be made next week.
- Anatoli talks about parallelization, see slides.
Very good and fundamental practical review of the situation.
- Preliminary conclusion:
* we should avoid premature micro-optimization since they tend to be highly architecture dependent and this will change with time!
* Multi-threading is very powerful for air showers.
* GPUs are the potential game-changer. We should try to exploit as far as possible. Even for physics, e.m. cascades may be a target.
* We might need a scheduler to manage parallel tasks.
- Anatoli will prepare a follow-up talk for next week.
- We should focus on these fundamental discussion during next week to get towards first conclusions and more concrete ideas.
- CORSIKA 8 focus week starts next week Monday 16:00, then Tue,Wed,Thur: 9am, Fri ~15:30. There might be additional discussion time slots.