Sep 9 – 12, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Implementing a Virtualized HPSS Deployment for Testing and Development

Sep 10, 2024, 10:45 AM
Aula (SCC)



Hermann von Helmholtz Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
hpss community only


Dr Forrest Greenwood (HPSS Subsriber)


As part of our efforts to upgrade our site to HPSS 10.3, Indiana University recently began development of a virtualized HPSS environment that we can use to quickly iterate on testing and development initiatives without tying up limited bare-metal hardware resources. This virtual-machine environment is patterned on the implementation created by IBM's HPSS Support team for use at the recent HPSS 10.3 Training held in May 2024.

Topics to be discussed include provisioning the VM, installing and configuring a virtual tape library using the mhVTL open-source software package, installing and configuring both DB2 and HPSS, and possibly a sampling of the sorts of issues we intend to test using this environment.

If technical affordances permit, this presentation could potentially include a live demonstration of the VM running on an external flash drive. Otherwise, we would be happy to present using the traditional static PowerPoint.

Timeslot 30 min

Primary author

Dr Forrest Greenwood (HPSS Subsriber)

Presentation materials

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