June 24, 2020 to March 31, 2021
UTC timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Details of the call for contributions can be found at the SORSE website as well as details of each contribution type. Guidance on preparing an abstract for each submission type is also available.

Please note that in the case of submissions from representatives of companies that relate to commercial products, the SORSE programme committee reserves the right to reject or request appropriate revisions at their discretion.

In addition to details of your submission we also collect information on diversity characteristics. We’re aiming for a well-balanced programme that includes a wide variety of perspectives to reflect the diversity of the RSE community and its activities. During the review process all the abstracts are anonymised and all information on diversity characteristics are removed so reviewers won't be able to see any of that. The information are used for statistical purposes to help us achieving a balanced and well-represented programme and to contact presenters.

The call for abstracts is closed.