Feb 1 – 2, 2016
Address: Johannes Gutenberg Universität (JGU) Staudingerweg 9 55128 Mainz, Seminar room 02-430
Europe/Berlin timezone



Please find here a hotel list to find easily an accommodation in Mainz.
Of course you may also book in any other hotel in Mainz you prefer.

Reservations could be made up to January 5th, 2016.

Hotel Römerstein
Draiser Str. 136 f
D-55128 Mainz
Telephone :  +49 6131 936660
Fax  :  +49 6131 9355335
E-mail : info@hotel-roemerstein.de

Keyword: “HAP-Workshop”
Allocation: 15 Single room incl. breakfast: 69 EUR per night
                       5 Double room incl. breakfast: 91 EUR per night (double/single use)


InterCityHotel Mainz
Steigenberger Hotel Group

Binger Strasse 21
55131 Mainz
Telephone :  +49 6131 58851-0
Fax  :            +49 6131 58851-200
E-mail : mainz@intercityhotel.de

Keyword: “HAP-Workshop”
Allocation: 25 Single room incl. breakfast: 89 EUR per night