We study the effect of Lorentz invariance violating(LIV) parameters on the discovery of the non-zero CP phase ($\delta_{13}$) and the octant of 2-3 mixing angle ($\theta_{23}$) in the neutrino sector in the context of the proposed T2HK/T2HKK experiments. We consider the CPT violating case and taking one LIV parameter at a time, investigate to what extent the CP discovery and octant determination potential are affected in presence of this new physics. TH2K has two detectors at 295 Km baseline which corresponds to the first oscillation maxima at a peak energy of 0.6 GeV while T2HKK has one at 295 Km and one at 1100 Km with the latter corresponding to the second oscillation maxima at peak energy. We study the synergies between the appearance and the disappearance channels as well as between the first and the second oscillation maxima and explore if these can result in enhanced sensitivity.