List of Invited Speakers:
Avella, Paola | Max-Planck-Institut HLL | Germany |
Berdermann, Elèni | GSI | Germany |
Calvo, Daniela | INFN, Sezione di Turino | Italy |
Degenhardt, Carsten | Philips GmbH | Netherlands |
Denes, Peter | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | USA |
Deptuch, Greg | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory | USA |
Deveaux, Michael | Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main | Germany |
Fiederle, Michael | FMF - Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum | Germany |
Frach, Thomas | Philips GmbH | Netherlands |
Graafsma, Heinz | DESY | Germany |
Hwang, Seok-Hee | Samsung Electronics Co., LTD | South Korea |
Kalender, Willi | IMP Institute of Medical Physics | Germany |
Martisikova, Maria | DKFZ Heidelberg | Germany |
Moor, de, Piet | imec | Belgium |
Ninkovic, Jelena | Max-Planck-Institut Halbleiterlabor | Germany |
Re, Valerio | University of Bergamo and INFN, Sezione di Pavia | Italy |
Turchetta, Renato | Science & Technology Facilities Council | Great Britain |
Winter, Marc | Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC) | France |