November 28, 2022
Zoom Online Event, HLRS
Europe/Berlin timezone

Extended Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Here you can upload the ZIP/TAR archive of your extended abstract.

We would like to encourage the participants of the 8th bwHPC-Symposium, who registered with a presentation or a poster, to submit a 3 to 6 pages extended abstract before Friday, 3rd March 2023.

The symposium proceedings will be published worldwide accessible. The contributions will be reviewed before publication. The proceedings will be citable via DOI.

Roadmap and deadlines:

  • 03.03.2023: Submission deadline for extended abstracts (3-6 pages)
  • 30.04.2023: Reviews are complete (author notification)
  • 31.05.2023: Submission of author revised version (in case of acceptance)
  • 31.08.2023: Availability of preprint version

You can upload a tar or zip file (Latex tex file and images) or a docx file (MS-Word) based on one of our templates. To do this please click the button "submit new abstract" and follow the "submission instructions".

We strongly recommend to use the Latex template:
Latex template: tex file
MS-Word template: docx file

The call for abstracts is closed.