Oct 17 – 19, 2022
KIT Campus Alpin
Europe/Berlin timezone


Welcome to the joint meeting of the OPENSENSE WG1 and WG2.

Aim and scope

The meeting will be focused on hands-on work, mainly regarding the data format white paper of WG1 and the software development in WG2. There will be room for discussion, also related to and beyond these topics, but there will be no presentation session or dedicated training workshops.

Participants are expected to be motivated to contribute to the WG1 whitepaper and/or the WG2 software development. A potential contributions has to be described in the application form.

On-site and partial hybrid meeting

There will be the option to join online during some parts (maybe start and end of the session block to synchronize), but the focus will be on joint work on site. It might be possible to split up some tasks so that a part can be done in parallel by an online participant, but there is no clear plan for how to do that. Hence, online participants cannot expect to be involved like on-site participants.

Preliminary schedule



For confirmed on-site participants who are approved OPENSENSE member, all costs will be covered by OPENSENSE, following the rules of COST, i.e.  reimbursement of travel costs + a daily allowance. The COST table for daily allowance is here



KIT Campus Alpin
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Campus Alpin - Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, IMK-IFU Kreuzeckbahnstrasse 19 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany