Oct 11 – 12, 2017
Karlsruher Institut of Technologie - Campus South
Europe/Berlin timezone

SDSC-BW - Smart Data for SMEs

Oct 12, 2017, 11:45 AM
Gaede-HS (Building 30.22)


Building 30.22



Dr Andreas Wierse (SICOS BW GmbH)


The Smart Data Solution Center Baden-Württemberg (SDSC-BW) has been established to support small and mediuem sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to an efficient usage os smart data analytics technology. SICOS BW and its partner, the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) guide SMEs through the first steps into smart data analytics. The means of choice is a so-called potential analysis, where the researchers from KIT work together with the IT and application experts of the SME to create a first understanding of all issues around the application of Smart Data technology, including the availability of data, its formats, the employees involved and a first analytics session. We will present how this process is organized and how it is applied to real world scenarios. A few success stories that came out of SDSC-BW will be shown.
Track SDIC

Primary author

Dr Andreas Wierse (SICOS BW GmbH)


Anndreas Meier (SICOS BW GmbH)

Presentation materials