Oct 11 – 12, 2017
Karlsruher Institut of Technologie - Campus South
Europe/Berlin timezone

Best Practices and Tools for Analysis Support based on SDIL Project Examples

Oct 12, 2017, 2:00 PM
Gaede-HS (Building 30.22)


Building 30.22



Dr Till Riedel (TECO KIT)


In this talk, we discuss typical challenges based on real world examples from SDIL projects. We often find that analysis projects are comparable to a "creative chaos" and their organization is extremely depended on the preferences of the individual data scientist. We show that it is mandatory to adhere to specific requirements and design choices as projects grow larger and analytics get more complex. To support a more structured analysis process we developed a prototypic tool based on Jupyer Notebooks which we will demonstrate.
Track SDIC

Primary authors

Mr Daniel Martens (TECO/KIT) Dr Markus Scholz (TECO/KIT) Prof. Michael Beigl (KIT) Michael Hefenbrock (TECO KIT) Dr Till Riedel (TECO KIT)

Presentation materials