Oct 11 – 12, 2017
Karlsruher Institut of Technologie - Campus South
Europe/Berlin timezone

AL in action: unified relational- and graph processing

Oct 11, 2017, 4:30 PM
0.014 (Building 20.30)


Building 20.30

Demonstration Analytics


Mr Johannes Luong (Technische Universität Dresden)


# AL in action: unified relational- and graph processing Modern data analyses frequently involve a variety of data types and corresponding programming models. Popular big data platforms, such as Apache Hadoop, Spark, or Flink, hide this variety behind a generic and sometimes system oriented programming abstraction. In recent years, domain specific languages that sit on top of those low level models, have risen in popularity. Especially SQL like languages have enabled business experts to transfer their knowledge to the world of big data. At the same time, applications such as graph- or linear algebra processing have inspired the development of dedicated processing plattforms and special purpose languages. Unfortunately, none of the popular big data solutions is able to integrate various important high level domain languages into a single, unified, and easy to use programming model. Users therefore have to manually combine tools and corresponding languages to assemble a hollistic data analyses application. In our demonstration for the *2nd BMBF Big Data All Hands Meeting* we introduce our data oriented programming system *AL*. AL is an extensible programming environment that integrates multiple analytics oriented domain specific languages into a common programming language. We are going to demonstrate AL's support for relational- and graph pattern matching queries and show how these queries can be composed to form multi domain programs.

Primary author

Mr Johannes Luong (Technische Universität Dresden)


Dr Dirk Habich (Technische Universität Dresden) Prof. Wolfgang Lehner (Technische Universität Dresden)

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