Hyperons are interesting to study because of their importance for explaining the interior of the neutron star cores. It is energetically favorable for strangeness to be created there since it lowers the Fermi pressure. However, the presence of hyperon-hyperon or hyperon-nucleon interactions results in a maximum allowed mass that is lower than observed ones. Strongly repulsive hyperon-nucleon interaction potentials could solve this puzzle and it is important to measure these. The structure of hyperon resonances is also an interesting topic to study in terms of electromagnetic form factors and Dalitz decays.
The HADES (High-Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer) spectrometer at GSI had a successful proton-proton data taking in 2022 at 4.5 GeV beam kinetic energy. Here, e.g. the $\Lambda$ – $\Lambda$ reaction and $\Sigma$ states are currently being studied. The reaction pp $\rightarrow$ p K$^+$ K$^+$ $\Xi^-$ [ $\pi^-$ $\Lambda$ [p $\pi^-$] ] is ideal for studying double strange hyperon – nucleon interactions close to threshold and is also under investigation. However, this reaction is challenging due to the many final state particles and complex decay chain. This poster will show highlights of the hyperon physics cases and discuss the ongoing analyses at HADES.