Polarized hadron beams can be used to explore interactions that are not observable with unpolarized beams. In particular, polarized beams are more advantageous for testing symmetry violations. They also offer the opportunity to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM).
Axions are leading particle candidates for dark matter. They were originally introduced to solve the strong CP problem and have also appeared in various extensions to the SM. The axion/axion-like-particle (ALP) field has an effect on the spin motion of the particles in storage rings, which leads to an oscillating electric dipole moment (oEDM).
In this talk, physics experiments that can be performed with existing accellerators at GSI/FAIR in
Darmstadt with polarized hadron beams and targets will be discussed. The working principle of axion searches in storage rings will be explained and the preliminary results of simulations will be shown.