Sep 14 – 15, 2023
KIT Campus North
Europe/Berlin timezone

A Novel Tool for the Absolute End-to-End Calibration of Fluorescence Telescopes – The XY-Scanner

Not scheduled
1h 15m
FTU (KIT Campus North)


KIT Campus North

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen


Christoph Schäfer (KIT)


At the highest energies, it is not feasible to measure cosmic rays directly and therefore we measure cosmic rays indirectly by observing a cascade of secondary particles (air shower) induced by interactions of the primary cosmic ray with the atmosphere of the Earth.
The Pierre Auger Observatory uses 27 large-aperture wide-angle Schmidt telescopes to measure the longitudinal profile of air showers using the air-fluorescence technique. In the past, these telescopes were absolutely calibrated by illuminating the whole aperture with a uniform, large-diameter light source.
This absolute calibration was performed roughly once every three years, while a relative calibration was performed on a nightly basis.
In this contribution, a new technique for the absolute end-to-end calibration of the fluorescence telescopes is presented.
For this technique, a portable calibrated light source mounted on a rail system is moved across the aperture of each telescope, instead of illuminating the whole aperture at once.
A dedicated setup for the absolute calibration of the light source has been built, which uses a combination of NIST traceable photodiodes to measure the mean intensity and PMTs for pulse-to-pulse stability tracking.
The analysis of the readout of the telescope PMT-camera at each position of the light source together with the knowledge of the light source emission provides an absolute end-to-end calibration of the telescope.
We will give a brief overview of this novel calibration method and its current status, as well as preliminary results from the measurement campaigns performed so far.

Primary author

Christoph Schäfer (KIT)


Pierre Auger Collaboration

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