Sep 14 – 15, 2023
KIT Campus North
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Search for Electric Dipole Moments of Charged Particles in Storage Rings

Not scheduled
1h 15m
FTU (KIT Campus North)


KIT Campus North

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen


Achim Andres


The matter-antimatter asymmetry present in the universe remains unexplained within the confines of the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. A. Sakharov proposed that phenomena causing CP violation are necessary to comprehend this disparity. Permanent Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs) of subatomic elementary particles defy both time reversal and parity asymmetries, consequently contravening CP if the CPT-theorem is upheld.

Storage rings provide an avenue to gauge EDMs of charged particles by observing the influence of the EDM on the particle's spin motion. Forschungszentrum Jülich's Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) offers polarized protons and deuterons at momenta up to 3.7 GeV/c, making it an optimal launchpad for the JEDI - Collaboration (Jülich Electric Dipole moment Investigations) to execute the inaugural direct measurement of the deuteron EDM.
This poster contribution presents recent results of the first deuteron EDM measurements.

Primary author

Achim Andres

Presentation materials

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