Sep 14 – 15, 2023
KIT Campus North
Europe/Berlin timezone

Towards Precision Physics with Trapped Thorium Ions: TACTICa at a Glance

Not scheduled
1h 15m
FTU (KIT Campus North)


KIT Campus North

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen


Mr Jonas Stricker (JGU Mainz & HIM)


Thorium isotopes became of high interest in the search for fundamental physics and for testing of the standard model of particle physics because of their unique nuclear and atomic properties [1,2]. In the project Trapping And Cooling of Thorium Ions via Calcium (𝑇𝐴𝐶𝑇𝐼𝐶𝑎), ion trapping and spectroscopic techniques are developed for a precise determination of nuclear moments, hyperfine intervals, and isotope shifts with different Th isotopes [3]. Two methods are used to produce atomic thorium ions, i. e., laser ablation of macroscopic thorium samples [3] and thin layers of alpha-decaying uranium isotopes which produce thorium daughter nuclei that recoil from the sample with the momentum imparted by the alpha decay [4]. While the former process yields predominantly singly charged ions, the latter also leads to substantially more highly charged ions [4]. Within this project, laser ablated thorium-232 ions were trapped in a linear Paul trap [3], a recoil ion source providing electrostatically decelerated Th ions [4] has been built and commissioned, and an apparatus for systematic studies of the laser-ablation production of atomic and molecular Th ions has been developed.
Laser ablation and in-flight reactions are used for the production of molecular thorium ions. Molecules including ThF [5] are of interest in the search for scalar dark matter [6] and could be used as quantum sensors to search for CP violations [7]. For this, further experiments are aimed at investigating the laser ablation behavior of different thorium isotopes in salt-based form and the formation and delivery of different thorium molecules from chemically different Th samples.
[1] V. V. Flambaum, Physical Review Letters 97, 1–3 (2006).
[2] V. V. Flambaum et al., Physical Review A 97, 1–12 (2018).
[3] K. Groot-Berning et al., Phys. Rev. A 99, 023420 (2019)
[4] R. Haas et al., Hyperfine Interact. 241, 25 (2020)
[5] V. V. Flambaum, Phys. Rev. C 99, 35501 (2019).
[6] D. Antypas et al., Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 034001 (2021).
[7] N. R. Hutzler et al., (2020).

Primary author

Mr Jonas Stricker (JGU Mainz & HIM)


Dr Azer Trimeche (JGU Mainz) Mr Valerii Andriushkov (JGU Mainz & HIM) Dr Dennis Renisch (JGU Mainz, HIM) Mr Can Leichtweiß (JGU Mainz) Prof. Dmitry Budker (JGU Mainz, HIM & UC Berkeley) Prof. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (JGU Mainz) Prof. Christoph E. Düllmann (JGU Mainz, HIM, GSI Darmstadt)

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