Sep 14 – 15, 2023
KIT Campus North
Europe/Berlin timezone

Simulations of Beam dynamics for the Prototype Electric Dipole Moment Ring

Not scheduled
1h 15m
FTU (KIT Campus North)


KIT Campus North

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen


Saad Siddique (GSI Darmstadt, IKP Forschungszentrum Jülich , RWTH Aachen Univeristy)


The matter-antimatter asymmetry may be explained through CP-violation by
observing a permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of subatomic particles.
An advanced approach to measure the EDM of charged particles is to apply a
unique method of "Frozen spin" on a polarized beam in an accelerator. To
increase the experimental precision step by step and to study systematic
effects, the EDM experiment can be performed within three stages: the
magnetic ring COSY (Cooler Synchroton Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany), a prototype EDM ring, and finally an all-electric EDM ring. The intermediate ring will be a mock-up of the final ring, which will be used to study a variety of systematic effects and to implement the basic principle of the final ring. The simulations of beam dynamics of prototype EDM ring with different lattices are performed to optimize the beam lifetime and to minimize the systematic effects. The preliminary design of the prototype EDM ring helped to estimate the beam losses by using analytical formulas. Beam target effects with more detailed simulations are being studied for beam losses. Further investigations to reduce systematic effects are also under process.

Primary authors

Saad Siddique (GSI Darmstadt, IKP Forschungszentrum Jülich , RWTH Aachen Univeristy) Prof. Joerg Pretz (RWTH University Aachen, IKP Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany)

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