Topical Parallel Session: Neutrinos, Antimatter, Flavor
- Yvonne Leifels (GSI)
Topical Parallel Session: Cosmology, Dark Matter, Axions
- Kathrin Valerius (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Topical Parallel Session: Computing, Machine Learning, Data Management, Sustainability
- Andreas Haungs (KIT)
Topical Parallel Session: Gravitational Waves, Nucleosynthesis, Multimessenger Astronomy
- Tetyana Galatyuk
Monika Blanke
Monika Blanke
9/14/23, 3:45 PM
Virgile Dandoy
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
9/14/23, 4:15 PM
Luca Pelicci
(Forschungszentrum Jülich and Aachen University)
9/14/23, 4:15 PM
Andrea Dubla
9/14/23, 4:30 PM
Behruz Kardan
(Goethe University Frankfurt (IKF))
9/14/23, 4:45 PM
Achim Geiser
9/14/23, 5:15 PM
Doga Veske
9/14/23, 5:15 PM