Nov 14 – 17, 2023
CIEMAT Main Building 1
Europe/Madrid timezone
Welcome to our Annual Consortium Meeting & General Assembly 2023

Welcome to the INNUMAT Consortium Meeting with General Assembly and the INNUMAT Workshop in Madrid from 14 – 17 November 2023!

The event is organised by INNUMAT, Innovative Materials for Fission and Fusion.

Please note that on this website (menu: "Registration") you can only register for the INNUMAT Consortium Meeting (including the Conference Dinner & General Assembly if applicable).

To enlist for the subsequent INNUMAT Workshop (16 & 17 November) you have received a separate registration link with your invitation.

CIEMAT Main Building 1
Main hall
CIEMAT - Mocloa Center. Avda. Complutense, 40. 28040 MADRID. SPAIN.

If you have questions or need further assistance regarding this event or the process of registration,

please don't hesitate to contact the FORscience team at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),

Nicole Gärtner or Miriam Mohr at

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.