October 23, 2023
University of Mannheim
Europe/Berlin timezone


Oct 23, 2023, 11:00 AM
Aula (University of Mannheim)


University of Mannheim

Schloss Bismarckstr. 40 68161 Mannheim


Robert Barthel (KIT - Steinbuch Centre for Computing)


The presentation outlines the current status of the user support project bwHPC-S5 for HPC, DIC and LS2DM in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
The state-wide project bwHPC-S5 provides federated support for the bwHPC users and coordinates all associated provisions, including development of policies and services. As the connecting body between scientists and HPC systems, bwHPC-S5 has proven to create synergies for the development of state-wide user support. The implementation of professional competence centers guarantees the support expertise required to embed the scientific communities into the HPC, DIC and LS2DM world and to increase efficiency and effectiveness in utilizing both, the compute and storage resources, by optimizing workflows as well as performance and scalability of applications. bwHPC-S5 extends the federated services established in previous projects to include the acquisition, processing, storage and archiving of large scientific datasets.

Presentation materials