I will present a suite of synthetic full Stokes single dish light curves generated from the Turbulent Extreme Multi-Zone (TEMZ) model of blazar emission. These synthetic light curves are created via ray-tracing through the TEMZ jet model and include the effects of optical depth, relativistic aberration, Faraday rotation, Faraday conversion, slow-light interpolation, and beam convolution. We have embarked upon a systematic study of the TEMZ model parameters in order to explore what impact variations in: (i) the mean magnetic field strength, (ii) the ratio of the thermal to magnetic pressure, (iii) the minimum cutoff in the electron power-law energy distribution, and (iv) the pitch angle of the magnetic field within the jet plasma can have on the variability in the observed levels of linear and circular polarization emanating from the model. Comparison of these synthetic light curves to the POLAMI and F-GAMMA data sets highlight both the strengths and the weaknesses of the TEMZ model's ability to reproduce the observed variability in the linear and circular polarized emission emanating from these sources of jetted non-thermal emission.