Sep 18 – 21, 2018
Cochem (Mosel), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
31st Jul Registration | 31th Aug Early Bird | 15th Oct Papers

FACT - Unbiased Long-Term Monitoring at TeV Energies

Sep 21, 2018, 9:50 AM
Cochem (Mosel), Germany

Cochem (Mosel), Germany

Kapuzinerkloster, Klosterberg 5, 56812 Cochem
Oral Gamma-Ray


Mr Axel Arbet-Engels


The First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) is an imaging air Cherenkov
telescope observing in the very high energy gamma-ray regime since
October 2011. Thanks to its silicon-based photosensors and robotic
operation, it has a stable performance and a maximized duty cycle.
Therefore, it is ideally suited for long-term monitoring. Focussing on
regular observations of a small selection of bright TeV blazars results
in an unbiased and dense light curves.

In over six years of monitoring, a total of more than 11000 hours of
physics data have been collected. Thanks to this extensive monitoring
program, a target-of-opportunity program with X-ray satellites such as
INTEGRAL, Swift, XMM-Newton and ASTROSAT have been set up. Alerts based
on an automatic quick-look analysis are sent to the astronomical and
multi-messenger community triggering multi-wavelength observations.

The presentation will summarize the FACT monitoring program and discuss
results from various multi-wavelength studies.

Primary author


Presentation materials