Sep 18 – 21, 2018
Cochem (Mosel), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
31st Jul Registration | 31th Aug Early Bird | 15th Oct Papers

Biases in Gamma-ray and MWL timing studies of AGN

Sep 19, 2018, 11:50 AM
Cochem (Mosel), Germany

Cochem (Mosel), Germany

Kapuzinerkloster, Klosterberg 5, 56812 Cochem
Oral Methods


Prof. Stefan Wagner (LSW Heidelberg)


Most gamma-ray emitting AGN are variable and multiwavelength temporal studies provide insights into acceleration and radiation mechanisms, source size, radiative re-processing and source structure.
The gamma-ray band is very wide and is explored with very different techniques. In different energy
bands very different biases affect temporal studies. The biases have significant implication for statistical analysis within the spectral range covered by a single facility, for comparisons between different gamma-ray facilities and for analyses of multiwavelength correlations between other High Energy bands.
The study characterizes the most significant biases and presents examples of potential errors in AGN studies that are specific to the gamma-ray domain and correlations to the X-ray band. Astrophysical implications cover a wide range from AGN structure, acceleration processes, and fundamental physics.

Primary author

Prof. Stefan Wagner (LSW Heidelberg)

Presentation materials