Mar 6 – 8, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

In storage ring based light sources with ultra-low emittance beams, not only high brilliance but also correspondingly high beam stability is required. In order to guarantee the necessary charge and position stability at extraction the injectors have to meet high demands in delivering beams that allow high injection efficiency without disturbing the stored beam. To this end it is essential to look at injectors from both a technological and beam physics point of view.

The workshop aims to provide an opportunity to exchange information and knowledge on injectors in the context of realizing ultra-low emittance rings with sufficient beam quality and stability. It is also meant as a platform for enhancing the networking between facilities involved in accelerator science and technology worldwide, exploiting synergies among various scientific fields.

The main scope of the workshop will be the following topics:

  • New injectors and modifications to old machines

  • Proposed and future injectors

  • Injection technologies and development

  • Beam dynamics

The workshop directly follows the I.FAST workshop on Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback Systems and Related Beam Dynamics, held on the 5-6 March 2024 at KIT (

This workshop is organised by PSI, SOLEIL and KIT jointly as an activity of Task 7.2 in the I.FAST project. 

This project I.FAST has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101004730.

Kickoff Meeting March 06, 18:30-20:30 --> ACHAT Hotel Kalrsruhe Workshop --> IBPT, KIT Campus North, Bldg. 348, KARA seminar room

Joint organization with PSI, SOLEIL and KIT