Feb 6 – 7, 2014
KIT (Campus North)
Europe/Berlin timezone

Dear Colleagues,

The dress rehearsal of our presentations is an extremely important occasion to obtain coherence, practise and confidence, and to fix organisational issues towards the real event.

We will stick to the time frame, please arrange your travel accordingly.

The goal of the meeting is to emulate the entire evaluation process in a realistic way. It is expected that presenters deliver their pre-final talks with exact timing, followed by critical questions from the audience as in the real case. The audience will consist of pseudo-evaluaters (members of Advisory Boards and ad-hoc invitees, etc.). Then there will be time to comment on the presentation details [actually comments will be received offline as well in the next days].

This apply also to posters, which will be scrutinized in two poster sessions.

Please check also the website of the preparation meeting (Jan 16, 17 at DESY):
and monitor the programme sharepoint continuosly:
        For KIT users https://team.kit.edu/sites/mau with your KIT account.
        For non-KIT users, https://team-extern.kit.edu/sites/mau

It is assumed that everyone is familiar with the contents of our proposal, which can be downloaded from the sharepoint.

If you find anything or anyone missing, please alert us!

Looking forward to see you - Johannes

KIT (Campus North)
FTU - Hall A
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen