Indico maintenance tonight 12.03.2025 from 19:00 - 22:00

Nov 21 – 22, 2024
Hotel Ai Cavalieri
Europe/Rome timezone

Welcome to the INNUMAT Workshop on 21st and 22nd November 2024 in Palermo, Italy!

The event is organised by INNUMAT, Innovative Materials for Fission and Fusion, and open to all INNUMAT members as well as external participants.

The overall capacity is limited to 75 participants - an early registration is hence highly recommended!


Addressing the climate emergency and the escalating global energy demand requires the advancement of sustainable energy technologies. Advanced nuclear systems offer a viable solution to significantly mitigate global warming impacts while ensuring a safe and reliable energy supply. However, the next-generation (Gen IV) nuclear reactors and fusion systems impose stringent demands on their structural materials, which must withstand extreme conditions including high temperatures, intense irradiation, substantial stress, and chemically aggressive environments.

To ensure the longevity and integrity of reactor components under such demanding conditions, innovative material solutions are essential. In the framework of the INNUMAT HORIZON EURATOM project (Innovative Structural Materials for Fission and Fusion), aimed at developing and qualifying new structural materials for nuclear applications, ENEA will host a workshop titled "Structural Materials & Coating for Advanced Nuclear Systems: From Research to Industry" in Palermo on November 21-22.

The workshop will bring together experts from academia, research institutions, and industry to explore future directions in the development and application of advanced structural materials for nuclear applications.

Discussions will cover the development and application of materials and coatings for Molten Salt Reactors (MSR) and Lead-cooled Fast Reactors (LFR), highlighting innovative solutions such as advanced oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels and high entropy alloys (HEAs). Additionally, the workshop will delve into advanced coating technologies, weld overlay techniques, and underscore the pivotal role of innovative materials in driving product development within the nuclear field.

Hotel Ai Cavalieri
Principe Room
Via Sant'Oliva, 8, 90141 Palermo, Italy

If you have questions or need further assistance regarding this event or the process of registration,

please don't hesitate to contact the project management team at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),

Nicole Gärtner or Miriam Mohr at