Oct 16 – 18, 2024
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Campus South)
Europe/Berlin timezone


This special astroparticle physics strategy meeting will take place in Karlsruhe at the KIT South Campus (University). It will be open to the full community.
The meeting will focus on the discussion of the German roadmap of  astroparticle physics and related topics. In particular, we solicit feedback on the first draft of the roadmap. The draft strategy paper will be made available on this Indico page ahead of the meeting.

Registration for the meeting is required (please click on the button in the menu) and will be handled by the KIT event management to simplify payment modalities. The participation fee is 100 € and includes 5 coffee breaks, 2 light lunches and an evening buffet during and after the poster session on Wednesday evening. Please note that the fee must be paid directly at the end of the registration process (step 5) by credit card. 

Registration link (registration deadline: Oct. 8th)


Poster submission: If you would like to present a poster on Wednesday afternoon/evening, you can submit a request.
The presenter must be registered via the registration page.

The poster session can contain scientific highlights and should relate to future topics and further input to the roadmap and should preferably be presented by early career scientists.

→ Poster request (abstract deadline: Oct . 8th)



Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Campus South)
Physics (Bld. 30.22) + NTI-Hörsaal (Bld. 30.10)
Engesserstr. Karlsruhe

Komitee für Astroteilchenphysik (KAT) in Deutschland http://www.astroteilchenphysik.de/

Local organizing committee:

  • Andreas Haungs
  • Ralph Engel
  • Kathrin Valerius
  • Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
  • Anna Friedrich
  • Katrin Link
  • Sabine Bucher
  • Beatrix von Puttkamer
  • Roman Hiller
  • Bianca Keilhauer