Oct 16 – 18, 2024
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Campus South)
Europe/Berlin timezone


Community Meeting

Oct 16, 2024, 11:00 AM
Physics (Bld. 30.22) + NTI-Hörsaal (Bld. 30.10) (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Campus South))

Physics (Bld. 30.22) + NTI-Hörsaal (Bld. 30.10)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Campus South)

Engesserstr. Karlsruhe

Presentation materials

Heiko Lacker (HU Berlin)
10/16/24, 11:00 AM
Joern Wilms (ECAP / Remeis-Sternwarte)
10/16/24, 11:45 AM
Christian Stegmann (DESY)
10/16/24, 12:30 PM
Andreas Haungs (KIT), Ralph Engel (KIT)
10/18/24, 9:00 AM
Bernhard Schwingenheuer (MPI Kernphysik)
10/18/24, 9:20 AM
Marek Kowalski (DESY Zeuthen)
10/18/24, 9:45 AM
Kathrin Valerius (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Marc Schumann (University of Freiburg)
10/18/24, 10:10 AM
Harald Lueck (Max-Planck Institut for gravitational physics)
10/18/24, 10:35 AM
Building timetable...