The topics of the 1st International Conference on Opportunistic Sensing of Precipitation consist of data and processing methods of opportunistic sensors, the evaluation and application of OS-based precipitation information as well as broader aspects from stakeholder involvement and and public benefit. We invite contribution on following topics:
1. OS data acquisition, management & standardisation
- New data sets at regional/country-wide scale
- Novel DAQ techniques, Real-time data acquisition
- Advancements in Sensing techniques (CMLs, SMLs, cameras, other OS sensors)
- Operational pipelines for OS data applications
2. Processing methods
- Novel processing methods
- Reducing uncertainty and improving the reliability of OS QPE
- QC algorithms
- Using ML/DL techniques for data processing
- Open software packages for data processing
3. Comparative performance analysis and uncertainty assessment
- Theoretical studies
- Simulation experiments
- Empirical performance analysis
- Uncertainty assessment
4. OS data merging
- Merging with standard remote sensing techniques (radars, satellites) or rainfall stations
- Interpolation methods of OS concerning uncertainties or geometric properties
5. Application of OS
- Application for nowcasting
- Hydrological applications on different scales
- Rainfall products and applications in ungauged regions
- Operational applications & impact-based warnings in hydrology and meteorology
- NWP and data assimilation
5. Bridging the gap
- Stakeholder exchange
- Business models
- Impact based-warnings and communication
- From Science to Public Benefit