DWD Headquarters
Deutscher Wetterdienst
- Zentrale -
Frankfurter Straße 135
63067 Offenbach am Main
General information - travel to DWD headquarters by public transport (PDF)
How to find us: location map and directions to DWD Headquarters in Offenbach (PDF)
Please note that there is a large fair in Frankfurt influncing hotel prices in Offenbach. We recommend that you make your reservation as soon as possible!
Hotels with special conditions:
Hotel Graf - booking code "OpenSense DWD"
85 € per night, refundeable until 2 days before event, available until June 12th, 30 rooms available
Hotel Löwen (non refundable prices) - booking code "DWD"
Single room 89€ per night
Double room (single use) 109 € per night, first come first serve
Best Western Frankurt Kaiserlei - booking code "OpenSense DWD"
125€ per night, available until May 24th, 20 rooms available
B&B Hotel Offenbach Kaiserlei - booking code "BUND"
122 € per night, available until May 24th, 60 rooms available