Jun 1 – 6, 2025
Les Houches School of Physics
Europe/Berlin timezone
Welcome to the information page of the Workshop "Microwave Amplifiers in the Quantum Regime"

Scientific Program

  • 1 Next Generation TWPA’s: novel circuits & operation protocols

    Invited speakers:
    Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq, INRIA Paris
    Peter Day, Caltech, US
    Emanuele Enrico, INRIM, Torino, Italy
    Logan Howe, NIST, Boulder, US
    Archana Kamal, University of Massachusetts, Lowell (MA), US
    Boon Kok Tan, Oxford, UK
    Maxime Malnou, NIST, Boulder, US
    Kevin O'Brien, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,US

  • 2 Basic Science and Quantum Optics with TWPA’s

    Invited speakers:
    Miles Blencowe, Dartmouth College, Hanover (NH), US
    Konrad Lehnert, JILA, US
    Federica Mantegazzini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo, IT
    Sorin Paraoanu, Alto University, Finland
    Irfan Siddiqi, UC Berkley, US
    Gary Steele, Delft, NL

  • 3 Resonant Parametric Amplifiers

    Invited speakers:
    Joe Aumentado, NIST, Boulder, US
    Pasquale Scarlino, EPFL, Switzerland
    Michael Hatridge, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (PA), US
    Florent Lecocq, NIST, Boulder, US
    Laure Mercier de L´epinay, Aalto University, Aalto, FI
    R Vijay, TIFR Mumbai, India

  • 4 Amplifiers and Quantum Information Processing in Research

    Invited speakers:
    Yvonne Gao, National University of Singapore
    Benjamin Huard, ENS Lyon, France
    Angela Kou, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US
    Mollie Schwartz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
    Giovanna Tancredi, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

  • 5 Amplifiers and Quantum Information Processing in Industry

    Invited speakers:
    Baleegh Abdo, IBM Quantum, New York, US
    Sisira Kanhirathingal, Rigetti Computing, Berkeley (CA), US
    Ofer Naaman, Google Quantum AI
    Visa Vesterinen, Arctic Instruments
    Wouter Wesselink, Amplifier Team Lead @ QuantWare