2:50 PM
Opportunistic use of commercial microwave links and meteosat second generation data for rainfall studies in Kenya
Kumah Kwabena Kingsley
(University of Twente / ITC )
2:50 PM
Applying CML rainfall estimation at regional and urban scale in Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
Thomas van Leth
(Wageningen University & research)
2:50 PM
Rain Rate Retrieval Test from Millimeter-wave Measurement in Beijing
Congzheng Han
(Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
2:50 PM
Rainfall retrieval using commercial microwave links in Melbourne, Australia
Jayaram Pudashine
(Monash University / Wageningen University & Research)
2:50 PM
The challenges along the CML data processing chain and how we tackle them
Christian Chwala
(KIT (IMK-IFU) / Uni Augsburg)