Mar 24 – 26, 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone

Collapsing axion star as source of repeating fast radio bursts

Mar 26, 2020, 10:30 AM
Conference hall (INR RAS)

Conference hall


Prospect 60-letiya Octyabrya 7A, Moscow 117312 Russia


Alexander Panin (INR RAS)


Reiterating publicly available data, we discover remarkable features in the frequency spectra of repeating Fast Radio Burst 121102. First, we find that the spectra include regular patterns of equidistant peaks which cannot be explained by scintillation, as the interpeak distance 82 MHz does not depend on frequency. These peaks can be attributed to diffractive gravitational lensing. They appear on top of erratic oscillations at scales 100 ÷ 500 MHz due to strong interstellar scintillations and a huge peak at 7 GHz that can be explained by propagation through a plasma lens. Second, separating the propagation effects, we extract intrinsic properties of the burst progenitor which is likely to have narrow spectrum of GHz width. The central frequency of this spectrum changes from burst to burst with a hint for 100 s periodicity.

Primary author

Alexander Panin (INR RAS)

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