Jun 8 – 10, 2020
Indico / zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

Access Rights Management in Decentralized Distributed Computing Systems

Jun 8, 2020, 10:15 AM
Indico / zoom

Indico / zoom

https://zoom.us/j/98141351045?pwd=SHlYK1VOSk1WdTBwbmhoamhJZndQUT09 Passwort: DLC-2020 Meeting-ID: 981 4135 1045


Dr Andrey Demichev (SINP MSU)


The paper presents a solution for decentralized management of data access rights in geographically distributed systems with users from different institutions. This implies possible lack of trust between the user groups. The solution is based on the distributed ledger technology (DLT) together with provenance metadata driven data management.

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