Jun 8 – 10, 2020
Indico / zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

Educational and outreach resource for astroparticle physics

Jun 10, 2020, 9:45 AM
Indico / zoom

Indico / zoom

https://zoom.us/j/98141351045?pwd=SHlYK1VOSk1WdTBwbmhoamhJZndQUT09 Passwort: DLC-2020 Meeting-ID: 981 4135 1045


Yulia Kazarina (API ISU)


The modern astrophysics is moving towards the consolidation and integration of tools aimed at detecting various channels for recording ultrahigh-energy cosmic radiation. In order to obtain reliable data, the experiments should work on the order of several decades, which means that the data will be obtained and analyzed by several generations of physicists. Thus, for the stability of experiments, it is necessary to properly support not only the data life cycle, but also the human aspects, for example, attracting, learning and continuity. To this end, an educational and outreach resource has been deployed in the framework of German-Russian Astroparticle Data Life Cycle Initiative (GRADLCI).

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Presentation materials