Jun 8 – 10, 2020
Indico / zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

KCDC Analysis Extension

Jun 8, 2020, 11:00 AM
Indico / zoom

Indico / zoom

https://zoom.us/j/98141351045?pwd=SHlYK1VOSk1WdTBwbmhoamhJZndQUT09 Passwort: DLC-2020 Meeting-ID: 981 4135 1045


Frank Polgart (KIT)


We will introduce a data analysis extension for the KASCADE Cosmic-ray Data Center (KCDC), based on the Jupyterhub/notebook ecosystem. A user-friendly interface, easy access to data from KCDC, and modern analysis software are of special interest.
This contribution will discuss the service architecture, followed by a brief usage example.

Primary author

Presentation materials