1:45 PM
Recent progress in polarimetric radar QPE
Alexander Ryzhkov
2:25 PM
A specific attenuation based radar QPE for operations
Jian Zhang
(NOAA/National Severe Storms Lab)
2:45 PM
Polarimetric radar QPE in aggregated snow
Petar Bukovcic
(The University of Oklahoma CIMMS/NSSL)
3:05 PM
Assessing the benefits of specific attenuation for quantitative precipitation estimation with a C-band radar network
Ju-Yu Chen
(Institute for Geosciences, Department of Meteorology, University of Bonn, Germany)
3:40 PM
Opportunistic Sensing of Rainfall
Remko Uijlenhoet
(Wageningen University & Research)
4:00 PM
Commercial Microwave Links for Urban Rainfall-runoff Modelling
Martin Fencl
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
4:20 PM
Synergies of commercial microwave links and polarimetric weather radars
Julius Polz
4:40 PM
Moderated Discussion