KSETA PhD Workshop 2021


The KSETA Ph.D. Workshop 2021 will take place soon in Bad Herrenalb.

This is a perfect opportunity for Ph.D. fellows to meet other fellows and learn about the variety of research happening at KIT under KSETA. Also, while considering the COVID safety protocol, the workshop provides opportunities for fellows to involve themselves in fun activities. An alumni evening will showcase the exciting variety of work the KSETA alumni are currently engaged in. In addition, Ph.D. students from other disciplines will talk about their work and experience.

In case of any questions or feedback, please contact us: kseta-phd-representatives@lists.kit.edu

The workshop will take place in Bad Herrenalb:

Haus der Kirche - Evangelische Akademie
Dobler Str. 51
76332 Bad Herrenalb




  1. Due to COVID restrictions the number of participants will possibly be limited. If the participation exceeds, registrants who had registered earlier will be given preference.
  2. In case the ongoing pandemic doesn't allow onsite-workshop, the alumni evening will be organized online.
    • Departure: From KIT to Bad Herrenalb
    • Arrival & Welcome

      Unpack, settle to room

    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break
    • Icebreaker
      • 1

        Everyone introduces themselves to everyone else: name, PhD year, PhD topic, supervisor, hobbies, interesting fact about self

      • 2
        World Map Game

        Draw world map with chalk
        People arrange themselves on the map, standing on their home town
        Everyone briefly introduces their region and a few interesting facts about their home country, town.

      • 3
        Physics charades
    • 12:30 PM
    • Cultural Exchange
      • 4

        Albert presents about Australia

      • 5
        Presentation about Germany

        Kathrin Bismark

      • 2:30 PM
      • 6
        Presentation about Italy

        Emilio Vila

      • 7
        Presentation about India


      • 8
        Presentation about Finland

        Adelina Lintuluoto

        This was moved to after dinner

    • 4:00 PM
      Coffee break
    • Alumni Talks
      • 9
        Moritz: d-fine consultancy
      • 10
        Dima: his scientific career, from radio detection of cosmic rays to his current work at DESY
    • 6:30 PM
    • 7:30 AM
    • Fellow Talks
      • 11
        Monte-Carlo Methods with application to CORSIKA


        Speaker: Pranav Sampathkumar (KIT)
      • 12
        Intro to NNs and GANs
        Speaker: Mr Federico Bontempo
      • 13
        Constraining active-sterile neutrino transition magnetic moments at DUNE near and far detectors
        Speaker: Albert Zhou (IAP, KIT)
      • 10:45 AM
        Coffee Break
      • 14
        Electronics + Engineering
        Speaker: Robert Gartmann
      • 15
        IceCube Observatory and Ongoing Work
        Speaker: Paras Koundal (IAP - KIT)
    • 12:30 PM
    • Hike

      14,5 km
      3:38 h




      Too much rain: watch documentary? play board games?

    • 6:30 PM
    • 7:30 PM
      Games - Mafia
    • 7:30 AM
    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee Break
    • 16
      Discussion session 1: Climate-induced extreme weather

      Discussion based on the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqOGHnRGenQ

    • 12:30 PM
    • 17
      Discussion session 2: Parliamentary gender quotas

      Discussion based on following article: https://www.idea.int/data-tools/data/gender-quotas/quotas

    • 2:30 PM
      Coffee Break
    • 18
      Non-technical and social aspects of the PhD

      How do resolve conflicts with supervisor? How to seek help for abusive supervisor or when research group dissolves? Discussion of any problems PhD students currently have.

    • 4:00 PM
      Coffee Break
    • 19
      Feedback and Group Photo (And Hugs)

      Feedback on the workshop: positive and negative
      Suggestions/feedback on KSETA as an organisation

    • Departure: From Bad Herrenalb to KIT