Dec 7 – 9, 2016
Cochem (Mosel), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
Registration Nov 14th | Early bird payment Nov 30th

AMON: real-time operations

Dec 7, 2016, 9:20 AM
Pater Martin Hall (Kapuzinerkloster)

Pater Martin Hall


Oral HAP Workshop Multi-Messenger Astronomy


Gordana Tešić (Penn State University)


The Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network (AMON) will link the world’s leading high-energy neutrino, cosmic-ray, gamma-ray and gravitational wave observatories by performing real-time coincidence searches for multimessenger sources from observatories’ subthreshold data streams. The resulting coincidences will be distributed to interested parties in the form of electronic alerts for real-time followup observation. We will present the science case, design elements, current and projected partner observatories, status of the AMON project, and current AMON-enabled analyses. We have deployed new high-uptime servers in February 2016 and started issuing real-time alerts via Gamma-ray Coordinates Network (GCN) since late spring 2016.

Primary author

Gordana Tešić (Penn State University)

Presentation materials