Dec 7 – 9, 2016
Cochem (Mosel), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
Registration Nov 14th | Early bird payment Nov 30th

Multimessenger studies of blazars

Dec 10, 2016, 3:30 PM
Refektorium (Kapuzinerkloster)



Oral AMON Workshop AMON Workshop


Dr Felicia Krauss (GRAPPA & API, UvA)


The IceCube Collaboration has published results on a neutrino flux significantly in excess of the atmospheric background. Due to low atmospheric background at PeV energies, the highest energy events are the most likely ones to be of extraterrestrial origin. We use broadband spectra in the IceCube integration period to calculate the maximum expected number of neutrinos assuming a pion photoproduction model. We show that blazars as a class are capable of explaining the first two observed neutrino events at PeV energies. For the third event at PeV energies we find a flaring blazar in positional and temporal agreement. The energy output of PKS B1424-418 alone can explain the neutrino event, indicative of a physical association.

Primary author

Dr Felicia Krauss (GRAPPA & API, UvA)


Prof. Joern Wilms (Remeis Observatory&ECAP/FAU) Prof. Karl Mannheim (Univ. Würzburg) Prof. Matthias Kadler (Univ. Würzburg)

Presentation materials