Bernd Schleicher
(Universität Würzburg)
The First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) is observing bright blazars at TeV energies. One main goal of the project is the long-term monitoring of the brightest TeV-sources in the sky. To obtain a continuous and unbiased data sample, a small sample of sources is observed as much as possible. For data at the beginning and end of the observation window and for sources with large declination, this results in data with large zenith distance. For example, 1ES 1959+650 culminates at 35 degree. Larger zenith distance has an influence on the background suppression as the characteristics of the shower images change. To study these characteristics, a data sample of the Crab Nebula, a standard-candle at TeV energies, is used. The background suppression is optimized providing a more sensitive analysis data with large zenith distance. The method is tested on Crab Nebubla data and then applied to data of other sources.
Primary author
Bernd Schleicher
(Universität Würzburg)
FACT Collaboration
(ETH Zurich, ISDC, TU Dortmund, Universität Würzburg)