Dec 7 – 9, 2016
Cochem (Mosel), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
Registration Nov 14th | Early bird payment Nov 30th

Bimodal radio variability in OVRO-40m-monitored blazars

Dec 8, 2016, 9:30 AM
Pater Martin Hall (Kapuzinerkloster)

Pater Martin Hall


Oral HAP Workshop Variability Methods


Mr Ioannis Liodakis (University of Crete, FORTH)


Blazars are known to show periods of quiescence followed by extreme outbursts seen throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. We present a novel maximum likelihood approach to capturing this bimodal behavior by examining blazar radio variability in the flux-density domain. We separate quiescent and flaring components of a source's light curve by modeling its flux-density distribution as a series of "off" and "on" states. Our modeling allows us to extract information regarding the flaring ratio (S_{on}/S_{off}), duty cycle, and the modulation index in the "off"-state, in the "on"-state, as well as throughout the monitoring period of each blazar. We apply our method to a flux-density-limited subsample from the Owens Valley Radio observatory's 15 GHz blazar monitoring program, and explore differences in the variability characteristics between the different classes of blazars as well as gamma-ray detected and non-detected sources.

Primary author

Mr Ioannis Liodakis (University of Crete, FORTH)

Presentation materials