Dec 7 – 9, 2016
Cochem (Mosel), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
Registration Nov 14th | Early bird payment Nov 30th

Blazar Optical Sky Survey - BOSS project (2013-2016) and the long-term optical variability monitoring

Dec 8, 2016, 5:10 PM
Pater Martin Hall (Kapuzinerkloster)

Pater Martin Hall


Oral HAP Workshop Optical Astronomy


Dr Kosmas Gazeas (University of Athens)


Blazar Optical Sky Survey (BOSS) Project is a dedicated observational survey with the aim of monitoring known blazars in optical wavelengths. The project was initiated in March 2013 at the University of Athens Observatory (UOAO), performing ground-based optical photometric observations in parallel with orbital (SWIFT/XRT, FERMI/LAT) X-ray observatories. BOSS project has immediately met international attention, attracting the interest of several collaborators worldwide. It is currently running as an international collaboration of the National University of Athens, utilizing the robotic and remotely controlled telescope at the UOAO. Several targets of interest are monitored in the frame of BOSS Project, such as highly variable blazars and AGNs. The targets are continuously observed on a daily basis, with the aim to achieve dense temporal coverage in optical wavelengths. In parallel, simultaneous observations in high and low energy bands are cross-correlated with BOSS database. In this presentation, the main achievements after the first 4 years of operation of the BOSS Project are given, while the advantage of small, robotic and remotely controlled telescopes is highlighted.

Primary author

Dr Kosmas Gazeas (University of Athens)

Presentation materials