October 1, 2016
Europe/Berlin timezone

Getting Around in Karlsruhe

Getting Around in Karlsruhe

Here you can find information about how to get around in the city.

  • Tourism Office of Karlsruhe
    This is the official webpage of the Tourist Information Office, which contains information about activities one can do during a stay in Karlsruhe.
  • Karlsuhe Map
    Here you find a map of the city.
  • KVV info
    Here you can find the web page of the public transportation system, which includes a route finder option, and time tables.
  • Public Transport Map and Lines
    This is map of all the S-Bahn lines running inside the city of Karlsuhe.

Where to Eat

In this map you can find all the restaurants and cafes, that are close to the KIT campus south; approximately ranked by price. (The map was created by and is used with the kind permission of Julia Heller.)