Aug 26 – 30, 2013
KIT Campus North, FTU
Europe/Berlin timezone

ROOT Tutorial

Not scheduled
KIT Campus North, FTU

KIT Campus North, FTU

Effective programming and multi-core computing


Lorenzo Moneta (CERN)


The ROOT software framework provides all the functionality needed to store and analyze large amounts of data in an efficient way. We will provide an introduction to the ROOT system and its tools for data analysis and visualisation. The main features of ROOT such as histogramming, data visualization, object I/O and advanced statistical analysis techniques will be presented. We will also introduce RooFit and RooStats, dedicated tools for advance fitting, which are currently used by the LHC experiments. The participants will have the opportunity also to directly practise and learn the ROOT tools via hands-on exercises in C++, covering some of the main functionality of the ROOT framework.

Primary author

Presentation materials