Aug 26 – 30, 2013
KIT Campus North, FTU
Europe/Berlin timezone

Formation of the Software Defined Data Center

Aug 29, 2013, 10:50 AM
Aula (KIT Campus North, FTU)


KIT Campus North, FTU

Cloud&Grid Technologies Plenary talks


Dr Stefan Radtke (EMC<b>2</b>)


The It infrastructure of today’s datacenters are getting more and more complex while at the same time the demand of ease of use is changing the whole industry. Petabyte scale datacenters don’t allow traditional operations where administrators and technicians need to investigate failures for singe users or applications at scale. A change towards a policy driven architecture is required that considers outages right from the beginning in the architecture. Failures and outages need to be seen as normal behaviors rather than rare events. This view is one of the ideas of the Software Defined Datacenters where Business Managers and Architects define policies which comply with specific SLAs. The presentation will outline the need for SDDCs by presenting analogies to the real world which will help to understand the transformation even for non-technical IT personnel. It’ll then give a very brief introduction to EMC’s strategy in that area.

Primary author

Dr Stefan Radtke (EMC<b>2</b>)

Presentation materials

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