Nov 7 – 11, 2022
Kongresshaus Baden-Baden
Europe/Berlin timezone

$B$-anomalies in a twin Pati-Salam theory of flavour

Nov 8, 2022, 2:30 PM
Kongresssaal 2

Kongresssaal 2

Talk All Quark Flavour


Mario Fernández Navarro (University of Southampton)


The vector leptoquark $U_{1}(3,1,2/3)$ is the only single mediator which can simultaneously address the anomalies in $B$-physics. Remarkably, such explanation of the $B$-anomalies requires a hierarchy in the $U_{1}$ couplings which may be connected with the well-known hierarchies in the masses of the SM fermions. In this direction, a twin Pati-Salam model was recently proposed, in which the $U_1$ couplings and the SM Yukawa couplings find a common origin via mixing of chiral quarks and leptons with vector-like fermions, providing a direct link between the $B$-anomalies and the fermion masses and mixing. I will present a simplified version of the model with three vector-like fermion families, in the massless first family approximation, and show that the second and third family charged fermion masses and mixings and the $B$-anomalies can be simultaneously explained and related. I will show that the model recovers the phenomenology of 4321 models at low-energies, being compatible with all known low-energy data, and I will highlight predictions in promising observables such as $\tau\rightarrow3\mu$, $\tau\rightarrow\mu\gamma$ and $B\rightarrow K^{(*)}\nu\bar{\nu}$ at Belle II and LHCb. Finally, I will discuss high-$p_{T}$ signals of the rich spectrum of new particles at the TeV scale, comprising the vector leptoquark $U_{1}$, a coloron $g'$ and $Z'$, as well as vector-like quarks and leptons with masses also around the TeV scale.

Primary author

Mario Fernández Navarro (University of Southampton)


Prof. Stephen F. King (University of Southampton)

Presentation materials