Nov 7 – 11, 2022
Kongresshaus Baden-Baden
Europe/Berlin timezone

Exactly Stable Protons with a Muonic Force

Nov 8, 2022, 4:30 PM
Kongresssaal 2

Kongresssaal 2

Talk All Quark Flavour


Anders Eller Thomsen (University of Bern)


Scalar leptoquarks are popular mediators in new physics explanations of the experimental anomalies in bsμ+μ decays and the muon g2; however, the non-observation of charged lepton flavor violation and proton decay impose severe constraints on their interactions. We present a novel protection mechanism in the form of a gauged, lepton-flavored U(1) symmetry, which is broken by a scalar condensate to accommodate neutrino masses with a type-I seesaw. An exact remnant discrete Z9 symmetry renders the proton exactly stable to all orders in the effective field theory expansion. This framework easily accommodates leptoquark explanations of the aforementioned anomalies without the dangerous interactions.

Primary author

Anders Eller Thomsen (University of Bern)

Presentation materials