Nov 7 – 11, 2022
Kongresshaus Baden-Baden
Europe/Berlin timezone

B mesons lifetimes within the HQE

Nov 9, 2022, 5:15 PM
Kongresssaal 2

Kongresssaal 2

Talk All Quark Flavour


Maria Laura Piscopo (University of Siegen)


The heavy quark expansion (HQE) provides a well established framework to compute inclusive decay widths of heavy hadrons in terms of a systematic expansion in inverse powers of the constituent heavy quark mass. By including for the first time the contribution of the Darwin operator, SU(3)$_F$ breaking corrections to the matrix element of dimension-six four-quark operators and the so-called eye-contractions, we update the SM predictions, based on the HQE, of the total widths of the $B^+$, $B_d$, and $B_s$ mesons, as well as of the lifetime ratios $\tau(B^+)/\tau(B_d)$ and $\tau(B_s)/\tau(B_d)$. Overall we find very good agreement with the corresponding experimental determinations, however, the prediction of $\tau(B_s)/\tau(B_d)$ is particularly sensitive to the value of the Darwin parameter and of the size of SU(3)$_F$ breaking in the non-perturbative input, which are so far still poorly constrained, leading to some tension in specific scenarios.

Primary author

Maria Laura Piscopo (University of Siegen)


Alexander Lenz (Siegen University) Aleksey Rusov (University of Siegen)

Presentation materials