Jun 8 – 10, 2022
building 30.22 KIT Campus Süd
Europe/Berlin timezone

Non-Perturbative Calculations for $B$-mesons

Jun 9, 2022, 4:30 PM
Physik-Hörsaal Nr.3 (building 30.22 KIT Campus Süd )

Physik-Hörsaal Nr.3

building 30.22 KIT Campus Süd



Matthew Black (University Siegen)


We present the current status of work to determine non-perturbative contributions to the physics of $B$-mesons.
Using the methods of lattice QCD, QCD sum rules, and the gradient flow, we consider quantities such as decay constants, dimension-6 and -7 matrix elements for lifetimes, and dimension-7 matrix elements for mixing.

Primary author

Matthew Black (University Siegen)

Presentation materials